EO Gas Cartages

We provide Ethylene Oxide in aluminum Cartridges with controlled quantities and packed under strict safety regulation that meet the requirements of the variety of existing equipment. Ethylene oxide of high pureness. Single-use Cartridges. High effectiveness as a bactericide, fungicide and antivirus.These cartedges are  Single use, 100% ETO Cartridges in following sizes: 20, 40, 50, 100 & 170 gms.


  • System offers easy, cost-effective and efficient sterilant for ethylene oxide sterilization.
  • Precise usage of EO with single-dose cartridge means no sterilant waste.
  • With Steri-Gas Cartridges, operators have no bulky, heavy gas tanks to handle, and no hoses, valves and filters to adjust or replace.
  • Contain no CFCs or HCFCs to provide low-temperature sterilization that's more compatible with the environment.
  • No special disposal (normal non-incinerated waste).