EO Gas Sterilisation Services

We have our own facility in India for providing E O sterilization services with all modern clean room facilities. The advent of low-cost polymers, having characteristics suitable for medical products and their packaging led to the introduction and usage of single-use, disposable medical devices. The ETO (Ethylene oxide ) sterilisation process has proven to be popular for such sterilisation requirements for many years; it is compatible with a wide range of Medical Device materials and hence sterilisation at low temperature (120 deg F or 50 deg C) does not alter the composition of most materials.The advent of low-cost polymers, having characteristics suitable for medical products and their packaging led to the introduction and usage of single-use, disposable medical devices.

EO/ETO (also known as Ethylene oxide ) is a simple chemical compound that is commonly used for gasEOus sterilization of disposable healthcare  and Industrial products. A wide variety of materials and components commonly used in the manufacture of these products may undergo ethylene oxide sterilization in their final breathable packaging configuration. It is use for to destroy microbial organisms like spore ,virus, tharmophilic bacterial, fungi etc
We offer sterilization process for  healthcare sector , herbal products, spices and condiments. surgical products, paramedical and pharmaceutical industry, laboratories, hospitals, pharmaceutical raw materials and food processing etc.

We are only EO sterilization services provider in India who sterilize the products with EO from green source. All engineers and clinical staff have certification that is relevant to your industry which means that you can be confident that your equipments and sterilization processes will be validated and conform to the strictest of standards.

ETO (from Green Source) Gas Sterilization Services 

We offer services & products of ETO (from Green Source) gas mixtures, in cylinders of 30 Kg and 35 Kg cylinders, in different ratios.

ETO Gas Cartridges 

we  have introduced disposable type 100% ethylene oxide in aluminum Cartridges for all major cities in India  with controlled quantities and packed under strict safety regulation that meet the requirements of the variety of existing equipment.
These Cartridges are available in 40gm100gm and 170gm.
Other sizes are also available as per costumers requirement depending on chamber volume.

Sterilization Services 

The ethylene oxide sterilizers uses ethylene oxide to destroy microbial organisms like spores ,virus, thermophilic bacteria, fungi etc.
We offer sterilization process for healthcare sector products nutraceuticals ,ayurvedic & herbal products, spices & condiments, pharmaceutical raw material etc.

Service offered

Medi Gases also offers Consultancy Services in this field, with its efficient design for Commissioning team, Medi Gases can custour build ETO Plants as an EPC (Engineering Procurement for Construction) Contractor based on Customer's requirements.